I thought it would be interesting to paint a doll before sewing it. This is my little test guy.
I made a rough pattern out of paper first, then traced it on the fabric. This would be the basic ink outline. I didn't really plan what he would end up looking like, this was more of a "figure out how this is going to work" scenario.
I mixed my acrylic with fabric medium, so when it was complete I would be able to heat set it.
I found that I had to build up layers so it wouldn't all run together in a soggy mess (although sometimes that is EXACTLY what looks the best.) I did thin washes and spatters, blasted them with my dryer (which I always use when I paint) And slowly built up this little guy's face.
After painting all the parts, and heat setting them with an iron, I cut them out with a seam allowance. Then I used a piece of black cotton the same size and sewed alone the outline with right sides facing each other. Get it?
I left the toes and wrists open and added little hands and toenails. Then stuffed it.
I initially was going to have the limbs be fixed to the body but I thought it would be nice if he could sit or hang out like a cool cat. So I attached the limbs with thread, kind of like you attach a button to a shirt.
I think he turned out quite good for a test run! His feet are my favorite part.
Little Blue Cat is available in my Etsy Shop right now. I am planning to make a few more critters now with this format, its a nice combo of painting and sewing for me.