Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Boner killer.


Should have muted.

Celebs. They are most likely boring-ass regular people. Granted, they are beautiful-ass, regular people. When they aren't being their characters, they are pretty dull to me, just like other regular jerks. Beautiful...regular....beautiful...what was I saying...?

Nothing is a bigger boner killer for me than hearing a favorite actor/musician, who I may have concocted some sort of fake personality for in my ugly-person-brain, give props to God. 

It shatters my fake fantasy love for them. 


  1. Haha! Who broke your heart Tara?

  2. I think it first happened when I found out David Bowie wasn't really an elf king, just some dumb rockstar. All downhill from there.

  3. Goblin King actually. And yes he is, of course he is!... You're strange.

    Which celebrity were you crushing on?

    The dude that plays Thor is terribly sexy, but only as Thor. That's the only realm he exists in. Like the Goblin King.

  4. I saw my elf/goblin error then didn't correct it. Now its on the internet forever.

    And to the other part of the comment. I KNOW, RIGHT? When people are just being regular people they are boring and non-magical. I bet he can't even use a hammer.

  5. You'll have your geek badge revoked for sure now! ;)

    It's too disheartening to think of that. I'm going to try and forget you ever suggested Thor is actually just a regular jack-off who likes bro music and isn't handy with tools.

  6. Yve: Getting fame by being famous, what a great scam! ;-)

  7. Well, I dunno... Ricky Gervais thanked God for making him an atheist at the end of the Golden Globes! That gave me a semi.

  8. Gwen Styles: Hell yes! For me, he is the opposite of this comic. A "little fat man with the pug-nosed face" who gets more attractive the more he talks shit. :-) Love him.

  9. Anonymous5:50 PM

    This comic made me lol in my pants

  10. Gods my lord and Jesus is my savior
