Monday, March 11, 2013

I Quit Quitting.


I stopped posting in this blog a year ago. I was sort of over blogging I think. Blogging burnout is something I see a lot of people get. It is supposed to be fun to write about things you enjoy,  and after a while always being positive or creative can get to be a drag. (Plus I was totally sucking at it.)

Things change.

Real life things happen, good and bad, they change you a bit at a time. Your interests shift, your style (art and personal) shifts with it. I just can't understand how people eat the same breakfast every morning!

I still get hits and comments on old posts on this blog. I still get nice messages and not-so-nice messages. I just thought "Why not use it again? Why not tell the internet useless stuff." Admittedly, I have no real plan for what will end up here, but I can guess that it will still be a place to dump photos of things I make, studio shots and painting progress pics.

If you read my blog before, I warn you I think I might be a bit less sweet, and a bit more ok with not being sweet. There are 10,000 "positive crafty girl with retro glasses and pink hair"blogs,  and that just isn't quite me. Yeah I went to art school and I have pink hair, but UGH, enough with that shit.

I still draw batcat. Some things don't change.


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I'm glad your back! Oddly I just posted my first post after a long hiatus too. Cosmic.

    1. OH GOOD! It feels less flakey when you realize tons of blogs go through deaths and rebirths. Just part of the blogging game.

  2. Thanks! I personally really like reading people's gripes, it makes them seem like real people to me. And just remember there are lots of people out there who read posts and don't comment. (I am so guilty of this. SO GUIILTY.)
