They are in the shop. I could have worked on them for weeks and weeks, with all their little critters and flowers and stuff. Everything always needs more highlights and lowlights and splatter. If I didn't stop myself I would ruin everything by overworking it until it was a mess.
I think they turned out cute. I have plans to make them into an object a little later on today...
But first I have to ride the streetcar (I heart the streetcars so much in the summer.) and buy fancy envelopes and art supplies. My silkscreen experiment failed miserably. I had bought a new big screen, but then my photo emulsion refused to harden after being exposed. Grrr. So I need to redo the whole thing again. I would LOVE to just pay someone to burn my screen for me, but I am cheap.
Ok, ok, enough procrastinating, its 1:44 in the afternoon and I am still wearing pyjamas...