Oh right, you need to work to make money. My bad.
My dude and I went on a mini staycation this week and basically did nothing but get fat, consume fossil fuels and buy $3.50 T-shirts at outlet stores.
We don't own a car, we rent them all the time to travel home to the wilderness where our families insist on living. But this time we rented one just for us to drive around at whim.

We went to Chinese malls. Gawd, I heart them.
Then drove to Niagara Falls because our amusement park plans got rained out (of course it cleared up as soon as we got there!)

We did a bunch of other stuff but I got lazy (and greasy from sunscreen) so no photos were taken. Basically, we blew a week messing around.
I also got a COOL little gifty in the mail!!

Handmade box means
Handmade Horrors treats!! I could hardly wait to open it, so I took hasty pics. It is a perfect little coffin shaped opening box!! *dies*

COOOOL. Little magnets and charms
by Handmade Horrors, featuring my illustration that I did for
Etsy Dark Side Team!! She was a total sweetheart and gave me way more than I thought I would get, each one so teeny and perfect and just so cute. Props to you for making such a huge effort for the Team. (You're making us all look bad! hahah) Everyone should go to check out her site, her charms are so tiny you won't believe it. I have these TEENY tiny little purple coffn
earrings by her that make me a bit ill due to cute overload. :-D
I am knee deep in stuffed skeletons today. Soon, soon...