Sometimes I feel all superior (Why? I have no idea) that I do everything myself with my two little hands. I print each print and cut each card. But in reality, doing it all yourself is slow, and for most things, doesn't really matter to most people. Even on Etsy, which is supposed to be handmade goods heaven, the people buy professionally printed stuff like mad.
Anyway, I say this because I am having something printed. I never have stuff printed. I have tried in the past and got crappy results, which soured me. I am also a control freak, and dread terrible results and having to argue about it with someone else. Um, how do I say this without being really unlikeable? People are annoying and no one does anything right but me. <---haha, exaggerated. The really annoying thing about getting stuff printed is that the more you need, the cheaper it gets. So unless you are the type of seller that can move thousands of items, you end up paying a lot for smaller runs. Not to even mention that you have to guess what people will want to buy (I am terrible at that, even after a few years selling batcats to the masses) So its a big fat gamble, and even if you are correct in your guess, it may take a long time to actually sell those billions of printed goodies. Sigh. Here is what is on its way to my mailbox.

Even though I do everything myself now, I want someone else to do everything in the future.
Ok, it may be quiet for a bit,because its Canada Day Weekend!!
Visiting,driving,shopping,eating,drinking,fighting,laughing,recovering. Repeat. We are on our way to Mindless Self Indulgence/The Birthday Massacre show too. I may not survive the weekend. :-)
Yay frontpage today too. Woo! Thanks for the tip phydeaux!!