Here is a post of useless things. I can post junk, its my blog.
One dorky pose, then its a blur of cookie devouring! Do not get between me and my icing sugar.
My dude likes to buy me presents when I reach milestones. (I know, awesome right?) He bought me the Hells Kitchen DS game so we can make fancy ass food in video game form while eating takeout onion rings.
#1-Martha Stewart. I already like her, but when Halloween comes around, I want her to adopt me. She just does halloween the way I wish the whole world did it. Its scary and elegant. She gets such good people to work at her magazine! The halloween room setups always look like I want my house to look like year round...

#2-Vampire related book. Enough said. Its almost read already, its not challenging reading. *snarf*
#3-AND philosophy The Haunted House set of yummy bath and shower gels!! OH MY FREAKING LORD I LOVE BLACK LICORICE! I died of happiness. Then the smell brought me back to life. I could drink the stuff. Also has a pumpkin spice and a caramel apple. Its really too adorable to exist.

Um, what else.
Oh right. As I stare down at my hot pink hands, I remember that I dyed my hair again, a nice intense fuchsia with a bit of black.

Its always so awesome the first few days, people stop me on the street to ask me about it, and kids eyeballs pop out. When I stop having pink hair, I know I will miss kids look of amazement when they realize that THEY could have pink hair if they wanted to. Its freaking sweet. And then the moms flash of panic is sweet too. haha.
So, work stuff...
The last page of my 10 page book (booklet?) is complete, and just the cover remains, which I may have professionally printed, we shall see. Its my big project that I pretend to work on when really I am cooking furiously with Gordon Ramsay on my DS. He hasn't even called a donkey yet in the game. I am disappointed. I am sure its coming.